Table of Contents


Command Line Options

TestClient (openmetaverse)

TestClient.exe [–first firstname –last lastname –pass password]
[–file userlist.txt]
[–startpos “sim/x/y/z”]
[–master “master name”]
[–masterkey “master uuid”]
[–scriptfile “filename”]

Command Shell

|Commands (openmetaverse)

Parcel Description
backuptext Backup inventory to a folder on your hard drive. Usage: backuptext [to <directory>] or [abort] or [status]
xfer Downloads the specified asset using the Xfer system. Usage: xfer [uuid]
findsim Searches for a simulator and returns information about it. Usage: findsim [Simulator Name]
parceldetails Displays parcel details from the ParcelTracker dictionary. Usage: parceldetails parcelID
parcelinfo Prints out info about all the parcels in this simulator
primowners Displays a list of prim owners and prim counts on a parcel. Usage: primowners parcelID
selectobjects Displays a list of prim localIDs on a given parcel with a specific owner. Usage: selectobjects parcelID OwnerUUID
Appearance Description
play Attempts to play an animation
appearance Set your current appearance to your last saved appearance. Usage: appearance [rebake]
attachments Prints a list of the currently known agent attachments
avatarinfo Print out information on a nearby avatar. Usage: avatarinfo [firstname] [lastname]
clone Clone the appearance of a nearby avatar. Usage: clone [name]
wear Wear an outfit folder from inventory. Usage: wear [outfit name]
Movement Description
back Sends the move back command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: back [seconds]
crouch Starts or stops crouching. Usage: crouch [start/stop]
fly Starts or stops flying. Usage: fly [start/stop]
flyto Fly the avatar toward the specified position for a maximum of seconds. Usage: FlyTo x y z [seconds]
follow follow [FirstName LastName]/off
forward Sends the move forward command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: forward [seconds]
gohome Teleports home
goto Teleport to a location (e.g. “goto Hooper/100/100/30”)
goto_landmark Teleports to a Landmark. Usage: goto_landmark [UUID]
jump Jumps or flies up
left Sends the move left command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: left [seconds]
location Show current location of avatar.
moveto Moves the avatar to the specified global position using simulator autopilot. Usage: moveto x y z
right Sends the move right command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: right [seconds]
sethome Sets home to the current location.
sit Attempt to sit on the closest prim
siton Attempt to sit on a particular prim, with specified UUID
stand Stand
turnto Turns the avatar looking to a specified point. Usage: turnto x y z
Simulator Description
downloadterrain Download the RAW terrain file for this estate. Usage: downloadterrain [timeout]
uploadterrain Upload a raw terrain file to a simulator. usage: uploadterrain filename
agentlocations Downloads all of the agent locations in a specified region. Usage: agentlocations [regionhandle]
gridlayer Downloads all of the layer chunks for the grid object map
gridmap Downloads all visible information about the grid map
wind Displays current wind data
dilation Shows time dilation for current sim.
netstats Provide packet and capabilities utilization statistics
regioninfo Prints out info about all the current region
stats Provide connection figures and statistics
Communication Description
echoMaster Repeat everything that master says.
im Instant message someone. Usage: im [firstname] [lastname] [message]
imgroup Send an instant message to a group. Usage: imgroup [group_uuid] [message]
say Say something. (usage: say (optional channel) whatever)
shout Shout something.
whisper Whisper something.
Inventory Description
cd Changes the current working inventory folder.
createnotecard Creates a notecard from a local text file and optionally embed an inventory item. Usage: createnotecard filename.txt [itemid]
deletefolder Moves a folder to the Trash Folder
download Downloads the specified asset. Usage: download [uuid] [assetType]
dumpoutfit Dumps all of the textures from an avatars outfit to the hard drive. Usage: dumpoutfit [avatar-uuid]
emptylostandfound Empty inventory Lost And Found folder
emptytrash Empty inventory Trash folder
give Gives items from the current working directory to an avatar.
i Prints out inventory.
ls Lists the contents of the current working inventory folder.
objectinventory Retrieves a listing of items inside an object (task inventory). Usage: objectinventory [objectID]
taskrunning Retrieves or set IsRunning flag on items inside an object (task inventory). Usage: taskrunning objectID [[scriptName] true/false]
uploadimage Upload an image to your inventory. Usage: uploadimage [inventoryname] [timeout] [filename]
uploadscript Upload a local .lsl file file into your inventory.
viewnote Downloads and displays a notecard asset
downloadtexture Downloads the specified texture. Usage: downloadtexture [texture-uuid] [discardlevel]
Objects Description
touch Attempt to touch a prim with specified UUID
tree Rez a tree.
changeperms Recursively changes all of the permissions for child and task inventory objects. Usage prim-uuid [copy] [mod] [xfer]
derez De-Rezes a specified prim. Usage: derez [prim-uuid]
export Exports an object to an xml file. Usage: export uuid outputfile.xml
exportparticles Reverse engineers a prim with a particle system to an LSL script. Usage: exportscript [prim-uuid]
findobjects Finds all objects, which name contains search-string. Usage: findobjects [radius] <search-string>
findtexture Checks if a specified texture is currently visible on a specified face. Usage: findtexture [face-index] [texture-uuid]
import Import prims from an exported xml file. Usage: import inputfile.xml [usegroup]
priminfo Dumps information about a specified prim. Usage: priminfo [prim-uuid]
primregex Find prim by text predicat. Usage: primregex [text predicat] (eg findprim .away.)
textures Turns automatic texture downloading on or off. Usage: textures [on/off]
Voice Description
voiceaccount obtain voice account info. Usage: voiceaccount
TestClient Description
script Reads TestClient commands from a file. One command per line, arguments separated by spaces. Usage: script [filename]
primcount Shows the number of objects currently being tracked.
uptime Shows the login name, login time and length of time logged on.
@ Restrict the following commands to one or all avatars. Usage: @ [firstname lastname]
debug Turn debug messages on or off. Usage: debug [level] where level is one of None, Debug, Error, Info, Warn
help Lists available commands. usage: help [command] to display information on commands
load Loads commands from a dll. (Usage: load AssemblyNameWithoutExtension)
login Logs in another avatar. Usage: login firstname lastname password [simname] [loginuri]
logout Log this avatar out
packetlog Logs a given number of packets to an xml file. Usage: packetlog 10 tenpackets.xml
quit Log all avatars out and shut down
setmaster Sets the user name of the master user. The master user can IM to run commands. Usage: setmaster [name]
setmasterkey Sets the key of the master user. The master user can IM to run commands.
sleep Uses AgentPause/AgentResume and sleeps for a given number of seconds. Usage: sleep [seconds]
waitforlogin Waits until all bots that are currently attempting to login have succeeded or failed
Friends Description
friends List avatar friends. Usage: friends
mapfriend Show a friends location. Usage: mapfriend UUID
Groups Description
searchgroups Searches groups. Usage: searchgroups [search text]
activategroup Set a group as active. Usage: activategroup GroupName
groupmembers Dump group members to console. Usage: groupmembers GroupName
grouproles Dump group roles to console. Usage: grouproles GroupName
groups List avatar groups. Usage: groups
invitegroup invite an avatar into a group. Usage: invitegroup AvatarUUID GroupUUID RoleUUID*
joingroup join a group. Usage: joingroup GroupName joingroup UUID GroupId
leavegroup Leave a group. Usage: leavegroup GroupName
Other Description
bots detects avatars that appear to be bots.
cloneprofile Clones another avatars profile as closely as possible. WARNING: This command will destroy your existing profile! Usage: cloneprofile [targetuuid]
who Lists seen avatars.
showevent Shows an Events details. Usage: showevent [eventID]
balance Shows the amount of L$.
giveall Gives you all it's money.
md5 Creates an MD5 hash from a given password. Usage: md5 [password]
showeffects Prints out information for every viewer effect that is received. Usage: showeffects [on/off]
voiceparcel obtain parcel voice info. Usage: voiceparcel
Search Description
key2name resolve a UUID to an avatar or group name. Usage: key2name UUID
searchclassifieds Searches Classified Ads. Usage: searchclassifieds [search text]
searchevents Searches Events list. Usage: searchevents [search text]
searchland Searches for land for sale. for usage information type: searchland
searchpeople Searches for other avatars. Usage: searchpeople [search text]
searchplaces Searches Places. Usage: searchplaces [search text]