TestClient (openmetaverse)
[–first firstname –last lastname –pass password]
[–file userlist.txt]
[–startpos “sim/x/y/z”]
[–master “master name”]
[–masterkey “master uuid”]
[–scriptfile “filename”]
|Commands (openmetaverse)
Parcel | Description |
backuptext | Backup inventory to a folder on your hard drive. Usage: backuptext [to <directory>] or [abort] or [status] |
xfer | Downloads the specified asset using the Xfer system. Usage: xfer [uuid] |
findsim | Searches for a simulator and returns information about it. Usage: findsim [Simulator Name] |
parceldetails | Displays parcel details from the ParcelTracker dictionary. Usage: parceldetails parcelID |
parcelinfo | Prints out info about all the parcels in this simulator |
primowners | Displays a list of prim owners and prim counts on a parcel. Usage: primowners parcelID |
selectobjects | Displays a list of prim localIDs on a given parcel with a specific owner. Usage: selectobjects parcelID OwnerUUID |
Appearance | Description |
play | Attempts to play an animation |
appearance | Set your current appearance to your last saved appearance. Usage: appearance [rebake] |
attachments | Prints a list of the currently known agent attachments |
avatarinfo | Print out information on a nearby avatar. Usage: avatarinfo [firstname] [lastname] |
clone | Clone the appearance of a nearby avatar. Usage: clone [name] |
wear | Wear an outfit folder from inventory. Usage: wear [outfit name] |
Movement | Description |
back | Sends the move back command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: back [seconds] |
crouch | Starts or stops crouching. Usage: crouch [start/stop] |
fly | Starts or stops flying. Usage: fly [start/stop] |
flyto | Fly the avatar toward the specified position for a maximum of seconds. Usage: FlyTo x y z [seconds] |
follow | follow [FirstName LastName]/off |
forward | Sends the move forward command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: forward [seconds] |
gohome | Teleports home |
goto | Teleport to a location (e.g. “goto Hooper/100/100/30”) |
goto_landmark | Teleports to a Landmark. Usage: goto_landmark [UUID] |
jump | Jumps or flies up |
left | Sends the move left command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: left [seconds] |
location | Show current location of avatar. |
moveto | Moves the avatar to the specified global position using simulator autopilot. Usage: moveto x y z |
right | Sends the move right command to the server for a single packet or a given number of seconds. Usage: right [seconds] |
sethome | Sets home to the current location. |
sit | Attempt to sit on the closest prim |
siton | Attempt to sit on a particular prim, with specified UUID |
stand | Stand |
turnto | Turns the avatar looking to a specified point. Usage: turnto x y z |
Simulator | Description |
downloadterrain | Download the RAW terrain file for this estate. Usage: downloadterrain [timeout] |
uploadterrain | Upload a raw terrain file to a simulator. usage: uploadterrain filename |
agentlocations | Downloads all of the agent locations in a specified region. Usage: agentlocations [regionhandle] |
gridlayer | Downloads all of the layer chunks for the grid object map |
gridmap | Downloads all visible information about the grid map |
wind | Displays current wind data |
dilation | Shows time dilation for current sim. |
netstats | Provide packet and capabilities utilization statistics |
regioninfo | Prints out info about all the current region |
stats | Provide connection figures and statistics |
Communication | Description |
echoMaster | Repeat everything that master says. |
im | Instant message someone. Usage: im [firstname] [lastname] [message] |
imgroup | Send an instant message to a group. Usage: imgroup [group_uuid] [message] |
say | Say something. (usage: say (optional channel) whatever) |
shout | Shout something. |
whisper | Whisper something. |
Inventory | Description |
cd | Changes the current working inventory folder. |
createnotecard | Creates a notecard from a local text file and optionally embed an inventory item. Usage: createnotecard filename.txt [itemid] |
deletefolder | Moves a folder to the Trash Folder |
download | Downloads the specified asset. Usage: download [uuid] [assetType] |
dumpoutfit | Dumps all of the textures from an avatars outfit to the hard drive. Usage: dumpoutfit [avatar-uuid] |
emptylostandfound | Empty inventory Lost And Found folder |
emptytrash | Empty inventory Trash folder |
give | Gives items from the current working directory to an avatar. |
i | Prints out inventory. |
ls | Lists the contents of the current working inventory folder. |
objectinventory | Retrieves a listing of items inside an object (task inventory). Usage: objectinventory [objectID] |
taskrunning | Retrieves or set IsRunning flag on items inside an object (task inventory). Usage: taskrunning objectID [[scriptName] true/false] |
uploadimage | Upload an image to your inventory. Usage: uploadimage [inventoryname] [timeout] [filename] |
uploadscript | Upload a local .lsl file file into your inventory. |
viewnote | Downloads and displays a notecard asset |
downloadtexture | Downloads the specified texture. Usage: downloadtexture [texture-uuid] [discardlevel] |
Objects | Description |
touch | Attempt to touch a prim with specified UUID |
tree | Rez a tree. |
changeperms | Recursively changes all of the permissions for child and task inventory objects. Usage prim-uuid [copy] [mod] [xfer] |
derez | De-Rezes a specified prim. Usage: derez [prim-uuid] |
export | Exports an object to an xml file. Usage: export uuid outputfile.xml |
exportparticles | Reverse engineers a prim with a particle system to an LSL script. Usage: exportscript [prim-uuid] |
findobjects | Finds all objects, which name contains search-string. Usage: findobjects [radius] <search-string> |
findtexture | Checks if a specified texture is currently visible on a specified face. Usage: findtexture [face-index] [texture-uuid] |
import | Import prims from an exported xml file. Usage: import inputfile.xml [usegroup] |
priminfo | Dumps information about a specified prim. Usage: priminfo [prim-uuid] |
primregex | Find prim by text predicat. Usage: primregex [text predicat] (eg findprim .away.) |
textures | Turns automatic texture downloading on or off. Usage: textures [on/off] |
Voice | Description |
voiceaccount | obtain voice account info. Usage: voiceaccount |
TestClient | Description |
script | Reads TestClient commands from a file. One command per line, arguments separated by spaces. Usage: script [filename] |
primcount | Shows the number of objects currently being tracked. |
uptime | Shows the login name, login time and length of time logged on. |
@ | Restrict the following commands to one or all avatars. Usage: @ [firstname lastname] |
debug | Turn debug messages on or off. Usage: debug [level] where level is one of None, Debug, Error, Info, Warn |
help | Lists available commands. usage: help [command] to display information on commands |
load | Loads commands from a dll. (Usage: load AssemblyNameWithoutExtension) |
login | Logs in another avatar. Usage: login firstname lastname password [simname] [loginuri] |
logout | Log this avatar out |
packetlog | Logs a given number of packets to an xml file. Usage: packetlog 10 tenpackets.xml |
quit | Log all avatars out and shut down |
setmaster | Sets the user name of the master user. The master user can IM to run commands. Usage: setmaster [name] |
setmasterkey | Sets the key of the master user. The master user can IM to run commands. |
sleep | Uses AgentPause/AgentResume and sleeps for a given number of seconds. Usage: sleep [seconds] |
waitforlogin | Waits until all bots that are currently attempting to login have succeeded or failed |
Friends | Description |
friends | List avatar friends. Usage: friends |
mapfriend | Show a friends location. Usage: mapfriend UUID |
Groups | Description | |
searchgroups | Searches groups. Usage: searchgroups [search text] | |
activategroup | Set a group as active. Usage: activategroup GroupName | |
groupmembers | Dump group members to console. Usage: groupmembers GroupName | |
grouproles | Dump group roles to console. Usage: grouproles GroupName | |
groups | List avatar groups. Usage: groups | |
invitegroup | invite an avatar into a group. Usage: invitegroup AvatarUUID GroupUUID RoleUUID* | |
joingroup | join a group. Usage: joingroup GroupName | joingroup UUID GroupId |
leavegroup | Leave a group. Usage: leavegroup GroupName |
Other | Description |
bots | detects avatars that appear to be bots. |
cloneprofile | Clones another avatars profile as closely as possible. WARNING: This command will destroy your existing profile! Usage: cloneprofile [targetuuid] |
who | Lists seen avatars. |
showevent | Shows an Events details. Usage: showevent [eventID] |
balance | Shows the amount of L$. |
giveall | Gives you all it's money. |
md5 | Creates an MD5 hash from a given password. Usage: md5 [password] |
showeffects | Prints out information for every viewer effect that is received. Usage: showeffects [on/off] |
voiceparcel | obtain parcel voice info. Usage: voiceparcel |
Search | Description |
key2name | resolve a UUID to an avatar or group name. Usage: key2name UUID |
searchclassifieds | Searches Classified Ads. Usage: searchclassifieds [search text] |
searchevents | Searches Events list. Usage: searchevents [search text] |
searchland | Searches for land for sale. for usage information type: searchland |
searchpeople | Searches for other avatars. Usage: searchpeople [search text] |
searchplaces | Searches Places. Usage: searchplaces [search text] |