Allen Kerensky"It seems you've been living two lives ..."


AccessControl Configuration Item Default Example Description
AllowedClients Empty string
BannedClients Empty string


    ;# {AllowedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of allowed clients} {}
    ;; Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may gain access to the regions.
    ;; One can use a substring of the viewer name to enable only certain
    ;; versions
    ;; Example: Agent uses the viewer "Imprudence"
    ;; - "Imprudence" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has no access
    ; AllowedClients =

    ;# {BannedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of banned clients} {}
    ;# Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may not gain access to the regions.
    ;; One can use a Substring of the viewer name to disable only certain
    ;; versions
    ;; Example: Agent uses the viewer "Imprudence"
    ;; - "Imprudence" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has access
    ; BannedClients = 

See Also


Last update: r/22287

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